Today we take a stand against injustice by covenanting to do the following:
I commit to becoming a more informed and conversant citizen regarding the issues effecting my community.
I commit to being a powerful change agent in my community by exercising my right to vote and engaging in the election process.
I commit to abstaining from any practice, verbal/physical/emotional, that violates the sanctity and dignity of any life regardless of religious beliefs, race, gender or otherwise.
I commit to lending my voice as an agent of healing and reconciliation through prayer, petitioning and peaceful protesting.
I commit to live out the tenants of my faith through faithful service and good works toward the advancement of freedom and justice as an act of worship.
I commit to teach my children about their history and how they can be agents of change in this world.
I commit to express my support and appreciation for the sacrifices that most law enforcement officers make on my behalf.